Sunday, April 22, 2007

Stoopnocracy On the March!

Kevin has been kind enough to draw my attention to this post on Dinosaur Gardens that contains links to four Stoopnagle and Budd films in DivX AVI format; Rambling 'Round Radio Row #1 (segment), the Max Fleischer Talkartoon Stoopnocracy (1933), The Inventors (1934), and Cavalcade of Stuff (1938). As I've mentioned before, the appeal of early radio satirists Stoopnagle and Budd has less to do with their rather flat personalities than with the quality of their gags, and these films are loaded with them. Of particular interest (to me, at least) is The Inventors, an Educational-Coronet comedy that uniquely attempts to spin a narrative around their characters.. with mixed, if fascinating, results. Running nineteen minutes and thirty seconds, The Inventors is the Stoopnagle and Budd showcase.

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